On Sunday, Jen and I went to Windsor to see the Queen. In fact we went to visit Windsor Castle and as it happens she was home. The special flag was flying to indicate she was in residence and we queued up to get in to the tour of the Castle itself.
It was very ellaborate and very beautiful with thousands of paintings and someone even asked, 'Are they originals or prints?' Gosh wash their mouth out with soap and water!
However, I couldn't help wondering though why such an elaborate place wasn't used more often - its just used for state dinners. It almost seems a waste, yet I can appreciate that we want to preserve all this wonderful history and not have tourists and the average job schmo trampling all over the furniture!
Early evening on Sunday we went to see 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith' at the movies and it was good entertainment. The weekend ended by reading the Sunday papers. A lovely weekend.
While I won't be doing that next Sunday (I'll be in San Francisco!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I know for sure that I'll be happy :-)