As you know I love my fellow American's dearly and I'm diligently reading my history book in preparation for my citizenship test, but sometimes they're just a bit melodramtic.
Take today for instance, at 10 a.m. this morning a pretty large blast went off. It sounded like nothing I'd heard before, maybe a bomb, maybe a gas explosion etc. For a split second I thought it was an earthquake, but after 7.5 years I know what that feels like now and it was too immediate for that. The explosion was over as soon as you heard it. Everyone in our office rushed to the windows to see what had happened, we turned on the TV and surfed the web. However, withing 15-20 minutes it was apparent that a man hole cover had blown off after a Gas/Electric explosion underground.
Roads were closed and there was an immense flurry of police and fire activity, but we didn't need to evacuate. However, our office felt it necessary to inform the other 150 people in our other North American offices that we were safe. Below is the email that was sent around at 10:27 a.m.
"SF Office fine. There was an explosion a block from the SF office, but we are all fine. We’re not sure what caused it yet." thinks they were just a tad melodramatic. Having said that, I'd rather there wasn't any need to be more dramatic when the big earthquake hits.