Yesterday was my last day at work. After investing four and a half years and putting my heart and soul into a job I walked out of the office feeling flat. David's blog probably says more than I want to, but someone mentioned that they thought I was emotional...I think its safe to say my face was etched with surprise and disappointment all day rather than emotion.
My emotion had long gone. I feel a bit lost without my laptop and Treo (I guess that's the life of a hi-tech PR person in San Francisco!) but I'll survive. I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life and between now and then I'm going to enjoy 3 weeks off.
Posted by: E. | August 28, 2005 at 06:48 PM
For all the hardwork, blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice you give to a company, it is never enough, EVER.
All to often we think and feel that "our" companies "care" about all the effort we put in to make their businesses better. But in the end, on the final day with that company, the one day you might expect praise or a final "sign" of appreciation, their "true colors" come shining through.
We all work so hard, for so little, and all we ask for in return is a little gratitude and a pat on the back. Doesn't seem like that much for 4.5 years of dedication, but to ask so little from something that has demanded so much from you, makes it hurt all the more.
Keep on keeping on Emma and don't forget you work for yourself and no one else in this world.
Posted by: Kojack13 | August 29, 2005 at 01:49 PM