Well if you've read David's blog then you'll know that yesterday I ran the first half of the San Francisco Marathon. It's a stepping stone for me to achieve something I've been thinking about for more than a year now - running a full marathon!
I ran it in 2 hours 22 minutes and 15 seconds. I lost pace on the Golden Gate Bridge (who wouldn't slow down to take in their surroundings!) but still finished with my best ever time! Admittedly, I've only done two other half marathon's but this was still great!
David was more than generous about my achievement on his blog, but what he failed to tell you is that I chose to get up at 5 a.m. but he had no say in the matter...I made him drive me down to the starting line to drop me off! He then drove back home before jumping on his bike to cheer me on at various points along the way. He then cycled the last 3-4 miles with me, by my side, willing me on.
I'll stop now before I get too mushy, but he's pretty cool too!
On a more sad note, one guy didn't make his intended achievement yesterday. A gentleman died at mile 24 out of 26.2 miles. Sad news...
I'm glad I ran, I had a good time, chatted to random strangers along the way and I didn't feel guilty for spending 8 hours lying on the sofa on Sunday! Who knows...come October I may be talking about an achievement of 26.2 miles.