I completed the half marathon a week ago, I ran 6 miles last Wednesday, 10 on Saturday and 3 this morning. I'm tired. I have to run another 5-6 this Wednesday and another 10 this Saturday.
Oh and swimming and weights in between.
I have to do this for the next 2.5 months and it only gets more intense. My Saturday runs will increase in 2 mile increments each weekend. So it's not just the marathon it's the actual training that's hard.
When I wake up 3-4 times a week at 5:10 a.m. I tell myself I have no option. I don't let doubt creep into my mind. I'm not allowing myself to think that there's an option in this marathon. It's something I have to do...
I also seek inspiration from others. Yes it's hard, but thousands of people do it (I think I heard only 1% of the population has done a marathon) and besides it can't be harder than child birth, right?
Never mind your trainign schedule, what are you dressing up as?
Posted by: ian | August 07, 2006 at 02:18 PM