I have been called emotional in my time. And granted sometimes I like a good cry. I've just finished watching the wonderful 'Grey's Anatomy.' I love that show. At the end of each episode I invariably cry. Go on...mock me.
I came home from work on Tuesday night, placed my bag down in an empty house, walked into a quiet kitchen and cried. You see for the past three weeks each night our house has been full of guests. First, David's mom and friend. Then my best friend from England, Anna, her husband and 15 month old daughter. I was greeted every night by Katie and at the end of her stay I only had to ask once for a kiss before she gave me one! [Did I mention I was the one to teach her to kiss at just 11 months old?]
It was brilliant having Anna to stay. We've been friends for years (more than 25 years!!!) and sometimes you can't beat longevity. While I was at work, they left for the airport and she had written me a note to say thank you for the stay and left it on the kitchen counter. I cried...
Just two days earlier she'd asked me to be Katie's godmother...I cried...she explained that she'd asked the vicar at her local church where the christening will take place, if all the god parents have to be present and apparently they don't. You see again, since I live a 10 hour plane ride away I can't just pop up to Sheffield for a Sunday Church service. So on Sunday, Dec. 10, the day of the christening, I'll probably shed a tear or two...