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February 13, 2007



Somebody. Depeche Mode. What's happened to you!?

Surely saying what you want, or not saying what you don't want, is in fact saying what you want.


Poddy - you and I have to just appreciate that all the music I love, you hate. All the music you love, I'll probably hate. If we appreciate that we'll get along famously...oooh isn't that a Depeche Mode lyric?


Poddy - you and I have to just appreciate that all the music I love, you hate. All the music you love, I'll probably hate. If we appreciate that we'll get along famously...oooh isn't that a Depeche Mode lyric?


But I do like it. That's my problem. Why do you!? :)


Poddy - I do have some taste ;-) I'm marrying David, right!


since when did you like depeche mode?

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