Does the title of this post mean back home in England (as I was this weekend!) or back home (as I am now in San Francisco?)
Well home certainly is where I feel most comfortable and that's here at our SF home with David. But he's in New York until tomorrow. Have I mentioned we've seen each other 36 hrs in 2 weeks?
But leaving Lauren (and now George) never gets easy. Its always emotional and painful. It sounds dramatic but it's true. I selfishly woke Lauren at 6 a.m. this morning to say goodbye. In the past she's compained if I've left without saying goodbye. The sleepy cuddle I recieved was lovely.
The weekend consisted of a school disco on Friday night, horse riding on Saturday morning, a birthday party, a bit of shopping, a trampoline, an assault course and many bed-time stories.
Oh and I worked in the HP London office on Monday.
Selected photos in the album!