I was driving home tonight and I thought about inspiration. Who inspires us and why?
Dushka inspired me two weeks ago when she told me what I already knew. Redbull and Diet Coke is bad for me. I should stick to water. I've known that I need to give up both for a while now yet I just can't have one occassionally. It gets worse and before I know it I am drinking one a day! Bad!
So after that night, I drank my last coke, I had my last Redbull. And boy did the caffine withdrawal kick in. All week. I survived. Just. Dushka inspires me.
David inspires me. David inspired me to cycle up the MeeWok trail in the Marin headlands on Sunday. It was hard core. Steep. I was not fit. I felt like giving up. I felt sick. David made me cycle to the top. And once there we ate Cheese and Branston Pickle sandwiches. Looking over the whole Bay and Pacific. We could see Tiburon, Belvadere, Mill Valley, The Pacific, San Francisco, everywhere. And David left the video camera in the car.
Nevermind, he still inspires me.
And I'm proud of him.
The Miwok trail rocks!
Posted by: SV Sleuth | October 30, 2007 at 01:03 PM
Camera schmamera! Who needs one when you've got memories?
Am I allowed to tell your readers I'm in New York being inspired by tall buildings, enormous deli sandwiches and those crazy people who drive rickshaws through Manhattan traffic!
Posted by: David | October 30, 2007 at 04:34 PM
Emma, it's funny you should say that. You inspire me.
Posted by: Dushka | October 30, 2007 at 09:17 PM